About me

I’m a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Statistics in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Lancaster university. Previously, I was a Research Fellow in the Department of Statistics at London School of Economics and Political Science where I was advised by Dr Yunxiao Chen and Professor Irini Moustaki. Before that, I was a postdoc at the French national research institute Inria. I received my PhD in 2020 from the Department of Statistics at Umeå University, Sweden, under the supervision of Professor Marie Wiberg.

My research interests lie in the intersection of latent variable modeling and statistical learning. Much of my research is motivated by concepts of fairness and interpretability in the social, behavioral and health sciences. Topics include:

  • The structural learning of latent variable models,
  • multivariate outlier detection,
  • model-based clustering,
  • change-point detection for latent factor models.

If you are a student interested in pursuing a PhD under my supervision, please feel free to send me an email.